

A sizeable, themeable button

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  • Accepts size prop that works on all styles.

  • Can inverse theme with themeInverse.

  • Place an icon before or after.


When using the simple Button API, it's as simple as this:

import { Button } from 'tamagui'
export default () => <Button>Lorem ipsum</Button>


Sizing buttons provides a unique challenge especially for a compiler, because you need to adjust many different properties - not just on the outer frame, but on the text wrapped inside. Tamagui supports adjusting the padding, border radius, font size and icons sizes all in one with the size prop.

import { Button } from 'tamagui'
export default () => <Button size="$6">Lorem ipsum</Button>

Given your theme defines a size 6, the button will adjust all of the properties appropriately. You can also pass a plain number to get an arbitrary size.

Icon Theming

You can pass icons as either elements or components. If passing components, Tamagui will automatically pass the size and color prop to them based on your theme.

You can use the source of Button itself  to see in more detail what variants you can override, and how we use this pattern internally to create our Button component.

Creating your own Button

Tamagui now has all the features necessary to make creating a custom Button easy enough that you don't really need to use our Button at all as a base.

Learn how to do it with our dedicated guide, How to Build a Button.

The previous useButton API is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. It's brittle and is easily replaced with the new composable components API as described in the guide.

API Reference


Buttons extend Stack views inheriting all the Tamagui standard props, plus:


  • size

    string | tokens.size

    Set a size, number or one of the size token values.

  • theme


    Apply a theme just to the button and it's children

  • themeInverse


    Helpful for "flipping" any theme between dark and light (including flipping a sub themes defined as [subtheme]-[dark/light]

  • noTextWrap


    If true, Button won't wrap content with a Text element.

  • icon


    Pass any React element, appears before the text.

  • iconAfter


    Pass any React element, appears after the text.

  • scaleIcon


    Scale the icon more than usual by this number.

  • scaleSpace


    Scale the spacing more than usual by this number.

  • spaceFlex


    Makes all space elements have a flex.

  • color


    Passes "color" down to the inner text component

  • fontWeight


    Passes "fontWeight" down to the inner text component

  • letterSpacing


    Passes "letterSpacing" down to the inner text component

  • textAlign


    Passes "textAlign" down to the inner text component

  • circular


    Forces a circular button.

  • unstyled


    Removes all default Tamagui styles.