

Designing for different size screens.

Define your media rules in the media object of your tamagui.config.ts:

export default createTamagui({
media: {
xs: { maxWidth: 660 },
gtXs: { minWidth: 660 + 1 },
sm: { maxWidth: 860 },
gtSm: { minWidth: 860 + 1 },
md: { maxWidth: 980 },
gtMd: { minWidth: 980 + 1 },
lg: { maxWidth: 1120 },
gtLg: { minWidth: 1120 + 1 },
short: { maxHeight: 820 },
tall: { minHeight: 820 },
hoverNone: { hover: 'none' },
pointerCoarse: { pointer: 'coarse' },

Note: Choose the naming convention you prefer. We use sm, md, lg and gtSm etc. Where "gt" means "greater than".

The order here important: items defined further down will override items before. In this example, xs is the weakest, gtXs will override it, and so on.

Behind the scenes, we convert this object syntax into media query syntax with a simple loop over your object, turning camelCase into hyphen-case, and adding @media() around it.


Now in any component you may import and use useMedia or $ prefixed media prop styles.

Inline props

import { Button, XStack, useMedia } from 'tamagui' // note: design system can use @tamagui/core
export default () => {
const [x, setX] = useState(0)
return (
<XStack backgroundColor="red" $gtSm={{ backgroundColor: 'blue', }} $gtMd={{ backgroundColor: x > 0.5 ? 'green' : 'yellow', }} >
<Button onPress={() => setX(Math.random())}>Hello</Button>

In this example we are doing mobile-first design, where the base props will be overridden as the viewport gets wider. Notice the ternary logic in $gtMd: this is extractable with Tamagui, and will still output simple CSS with no leftover style props in your component's render function.


import { Button, XStack, useMedia } from 'tamagui' // note: design system can use @tamagui/core
export default () => {
const media = useMedia()
return (
<XStack // can be used as a ternary backgroundColor={media.sm ? 'red' : 'blue'} // can be used as a spread {...(media.lg && { x: 10, y: 10, })} >

As long as all of your usages of useMedia are extractable, Tamagui will actually generate your CSS and then fully remove the hook from the output code. You can check this by adding // debug to the top of your component.

Of course, you may sometimes use useMedia for other purposes than styling. In fact, that's the nice part about Tamagui - if it can't extract, it always falls back to runtime gracefully.

Tamagui runtime useMedia usage will track which keys are accessed, and only update if the media query matching that key updates. This granular updating is nice for performance.


The useMedia hook uses proxies so it can track which keys you are accessing and only re-render components that need re-rendering based on those keys. The Tamagui compiler also understands straightforward uses of the hook during compile-time and can remove it entirely when targeting the web, in favor of CSS.

  • In order to keep things lightweight and simple, the proxied object returned by useMedia is not iterable, and you can't check keys on it using in or get them using Object.keys.
  • It's encouraged to write const media = useMedia() and then access your keys like media.sm to work best with the compiler. The compiler supports de-structuring, but not re-naming.